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No Sound for weapon mods


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Hello guys,


Does anyone have/had a problem with mod weapons sound?

It si just not playing.

Im using hlp command to load mods into survival beta.



Not a sigle one is playing sound.

I tried reinstalling, i checked actual files being in sound folder.

I have this :



in Fallout4Custom.ini but still nothing.

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I've experienced this as well, you should include that you're modding in survival beta. Now the only advice I have until someone comes along and figures out how to fix this is if the mods in question (I know 1911 does) have option vanilla soundpack. My 1911 works with vanilla sounds, as far as the others I don't know which may or may not have vanilla sounds as optional. Anyway hope this sort of helped you a little.

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I've experienced this as well, you should include that you're modding in survival beta. Now the only advice I have until someone comes along and figures out how to fix this is if the mods in question (I know 1911 does) have option vanilla soundpack. My 1911 works with vanilla sounds, as far as the others I don't know which may or may not have vanilla sounds as optional. Anyway hope this sort of helped you a little.

Mind elaborating because I've installed these files multiple times and I feel like I'm missing something

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Yes it survival beta of course.

Those vanila soung packs sounds like the solution for now.



There are files in sounds/fx/blabla





I was loading the mods by using autoexec this was causing bug with the crafting scraping and the bug of not loading the sound files

New way to load mods it to again use plugins.txt just have to add * in front of all unofficial plugins (esm esp) -> "*Homemaker.esp"

Edited by Oni24
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