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Dark Brotherhood Glitch

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I am on the cusp of completing the Dark Brotherhood quest series, right before you enter the Night Mother's crypt.


After speaking to Arquen, I get stuck in cinematic mode as Matthieu does not equip a torch, freezes, and does not enter the crypt.

Seeing as you don't start the quest until speaking to Arquen, I can't simply cheat my way past this. (There is no non-cinematic opportunity "complete" the quest in the console after beginning it)


I tried going back to previous saves (I have five for situations just like this) but the problem persists.


I have OOO installed, and all of the official DLC.

My operating system is Windows 7


Help please, the Dark Brotherhood is my favorite guild and I would very much like to finish it.

Edited by Dardalus6174
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