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TES3: Velayia


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Velayia was created by my 566mhz, 380 ram, gforce 4 mx, pathetic computer. If you're having problems with the graphics, please unzip the other file that comes inside velayia.zip. It partains the art files needed to run the file smoothly. And please make sure you have both expansions. If that doesn't work, kick your computer. :)
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Velayia was created by my 566mhz, 380 ram, gforce 4 mx, pathetic computer. If you're having problems with the graphics, please unzip the other file that comes inside velayia.zip. It partains the art files needed to run the file smoothly. And please make sure you have both expansions. If that doesn't work, kick your computer. :)

Yes, yes... My graphic card sucks... All other is fine. Thanks anyway

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I have a problem with Velayia. I downloaded the mod and the patch but now everywhere in the air are !. The errors in the air are yellow and there is a mark of a ! with every error. How do i solve this? Please Help!
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I have downloaded Velayia from many different sites and none of the files i downloaded worked. Every time i tried to swim over to the new landmass the game got a error message that the models in Velaya is an unable type. Or something like that. And the game turned of. I dont know whats wrong in Velayia but there is one thing that doesnt work. I locked on the textures and meches and everything and all of the files were set at the right place.
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