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2 Handed Steel Mace


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Replacer would be just rename and setup file structure, if i remember right, place it in this two locations, but you can check the bsa to make sure:




If you want to have it as a new weapon you'd need ck or tes5edit, in ck is pretty straightforward:

1/ Place the mesh in for example: Data/meshes/weapons/steel/steelwarmace.nif

2/ go to the bottom of the object window, statics, make a new one, call it "1stpersonwarmace" for example and point it to the model above, remember the name you gave it.

3/ locate a weapon with the stats you want, change the id to whatever you want e.g "SteelWarhammer", click ok, will say some stuff, click on make a new one (you are essentially duplicating it), open this duplicate, change name and stats if you want, in the art and sound tab point it to the model above and on the first person drop down choose the static you just made

4a/ drop it somewhere in the world

4b/ locate a crafting recipe that has the materials of your choice, change id and duplicate as above, on the drop down on the right choose your weapon, adjust crafting requirements/materilas if you wish, now it's craftable. You would make it temerable similary, locate the temper recipe (they have temper in the name, use that as filter) of, for example the vanilla steel warhammer and change it to point to your new weapon

5/ save and check ingame


And btw if you want to upload it, be it replacer or new weapon style, feel free to do it, no problem with that.

Edited by FrankFamily
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