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Adding eyes.


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I just gave it a try. Some are googly and I was wondering if those messed up eyes only support a certain head mesh?


Also, I saved the changes and forgot to make a backup. It doesn't hurt if I remove the eyes from the selected race does it? It's not like I saved a game with the changes.

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The eye meshes themselves, there are a few different eye meshes with different "UV maps" these tell the mesh how to apply the texture on it, thats the main course of googly eyes.
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If you would like to make several different eye meshes work in your game without causing google eyes, you can use Wrye Bash. The current release of Wrye Bash does not sort eyes correctly yet (they are working on it), but you have two options. You can download the current version of Wrye Bash and install it if you do not already have it. Then go into your Mopy folder in the Oblivion folder and rename CBash.dll to something like disabledCBash.dll. This will switch Bash to work in Python mode. Python mode sorts eyes really well. The other option is to use version 291 of Bash instead of the new version until there is a CBash fix for the eye sorter. If you have not used Bash before, install the python file first from the files tab, and then Bash. Otherwise Bash will be looking for python and would give you an error.


Once you have installed Bash if you did not already have it, then you want to make a bashed patch with Race Records checked. Race Records will sort the eye and hairstyles for you. It has limits, but for most people it will solve the google eyes without you needing to remove any mods or eyes from your game. It does this by making sure all the eyes for each individual race are using compatible meshes. This means you do not need to figure out which eyes you have use what mesh. Bash will do all that for you. :)


Because Bash fixes google eyes by making sure each race only uses compatible eyes, incompatible eyes will not show up for that race. This is not a bug. It is filtering out the eyes that would have caused the disturbing googliness.


If you have not used Bash before, this link will help you know what to check in your bashed patch.


Picture 6 in the Images tab shows you exactly what to check and not check. :) You don't need to download the files unless you want to. It's all right in the images.

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