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Save game times

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For some reason, when I'm saving it can take 10-15 seconds on quick save and normal save. But other times it can take a second with no freezing, it's really strange.


This is wildly inconsistent and I can't seem to find a way to trigger it, has anyone else heard of this?

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Happens to everyone. It's suspected to be due to scripts and other housekeeping in the background. You may have noticed there is also a delay when the game makes an automatic save upon fast travel or entering/exiting an interior cell. This is due to cell buffer purging/loading as well. These and other background processes are the primary arguments against automated save mods. They can't tell if they are interrupting something, which can leave them corrupted.



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Happens to everyone. It's suspected to be due to scripts and other housekeeping in the background. You may have noticed there is also a delay when the game makes an automatic save upon fast travel or entering/exiting an interior cell. This is due to cell buffer purging/loading as well. These and other background processes are the primary arguments against automated save mods. They can't tell if they are interrupting something, which can leave them corrupted.




Cheers, it's just really strange. I can close a game working well for some reason, come back and it saves like s#*!. Sometimes the autosaves kill me and the quicksaves are fine, sometimes its the other way around or they're both fine. Weird, thanks.

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When that happens to me, I take it as a sign I need to reboot. The GameBryo engine has known memory leaks that gradually eat up memory (both system and video). Note that if you use "hibernation" or the newer "hybrid" modes this won't help as they are preserving memory to disk including the memory leaks. When I reboot I want a purging of memory.



Edited by dubiousintent
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When that happens to me, I take it as a sign I need to reboot. The GameBryo engine has known memory leaks that gradually eat up memory (both system and video). Note that if you use "hibernation" or the newer "hybrid" modes this won't help as they are preserving memory to disk including the memory leaks. When I reboot I want a purging of memory.




You mean reboot the computer? Tried that, doesn't work. Just gotta live with it, it's a complete crapshoot when I open New Vegas.

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