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Is there a maximum size for an esp?


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Hi all, i got a few questions.


At the moment i got all my clothing mods and modders ressource merged into a single esp, but i want to make an esm, upon which i can build in the future.


How is it done the proper way?


Should i use TESSNIP or are there other tools it is done easier with?


And also is there a maximum size for an esp file? How much entries can one make until it will become unstable?



Edited by Nadimos
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The safe way is to use FNVEdit to toggle the master flag (as that will add ONAM records to the header if needed), then rename the file.

TESTsnip can be used only if you're sure you don't need ONAM's.


As for filesize... dunno. Max entries will be as many resources you can fit in with them all having a unique ID. So theoretically 2^24 = plenty :)

Stability will depend on machine spec. If you can load separate mods, then the same mods combined into one should be no less stable.


'FNV Plugin Utility' is a good tool for combining mods.

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