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Can I remove the headbob on Deadly Reflex?


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Thank you psychophunk.


I renamed a LOT of files. Essentially everything that ended with forward/backward/left/right I renamed. Should I only do it for the 12 files you specified? So only the normal walking(not sneaking, not swimming) regular speed (not fast) animations? I think that's about 16 if you include bow, one handed, two handed, and staff.


Yeah I think knowing the exact files I need to move/delete will help.


Also I'm playing with Eventhals' dual wield mod because I like the off hand dagger on my assassin. Could that mess up the animations? I noticed whenever I spell cast the base of my arm is empty, and whenever I draw a weapon the unsheathing animations plays three times.


Yeah lots of bugs/incompatibility issues from the looks of it. But DR looks sooo good grr I shall persevere.

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No problem, =)

For me, I moved all the animation files to a back up folder. expect for these files:




(+few of the attack animation from DR6 that I liked)`

Then applied the hotfix from the link I gave you earlier.

Everything worked fine. :smile:

Note: In my game, bashing doesn't work all the time, though I doubt its from the files I deleted, 'cause then, the animation wouldn't have played at all.


I never used a duel weapon mod before, so I have no idea how they might work, or if they depend on the camera/animation and or new skeletons, so I wouldn't know if they're cause a conflict or not sorry.


Yeah, I understand, like I said, even though I have the bashing problem, I still use the mod, and can't get back to Deadly Reflex 5 bashes absolutely fine for me!

Edited by psychophunk
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