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Better Spouse AI (i.e. leave the house)


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I can't seem to find any mod that brings Hearthfire-like sandboxing where they are able to wander outside the home to spouses in vanilla homes. Simplest example would be wandering around city for range of hours. It's always seemed weird to me that in vanilla homes your spouse never leaves.


A different solution to the same problem could be a mod that allows some AI package customization in-game. Something in the realm of this mod (but hopefully less buggy): http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/28103/?


Does anything like this exist?



Thank you for your time.

Edited by evan12
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  • 3 years later...

Late reply here, but I'm also looking for a mod like this. it really bugs me that once you marry your spouse they NEVER (unless they're a follower) leave the house again. It would just be good if they ahd some kind of scedual that would make them feel more lika an actual person.

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