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favorite type of house


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Each of my characters seems to have different real estate preferences.

My last character was a witch and vampire. She never bought a house. She started out living aboard the Serpent's Wake in Anvil. She eventually had a dozen other dark hideouts in isolated houses, forts, and caves around Cyrodiil. She got Deepscorn Hollow at a high level and that became her main lair.

My current character is a more socially responsible mage. She aquired Frostcrag Spire early on and that remains her professional headquarters. When travelling, she stays at the local mage's guild hall. Since becoming Archmage, she also uses the Archmage quarters occasionally. She purchased Arborwatch in Chorrol recently. She goes there to rest and get away from it all.

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I wonder is it better to have a house mod or just find an available house through real estate process? I'm doubting if I have the patience to do that kind of work in a game, the quest I'm on is killing me as it is. I just want my own space, is that so wrong? I would like a cheap available small house with a few training rooms and no flash, can you point me in the right direction? Level 5 fame is 7 woohoo...
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It depends on the type of char I play. For example, my first char was a sneaky woodelven archer, and she lived in a nice little log cabin in the middle of the great forest. My current char is a pure mage, a kind of scholar with some special interest in ayleid history and culture. Because of his special background story he didn't have a home for the first 10 levels, and since then he lives in Aranmathi.
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