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Help modify auto-loot addon to loot everything


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Hello, I need some help modifying a mod for my personal use. I'm a completionist and the main reason I don't play new vegas anymore is because i spend too much time looting. I ran across an auto loot mod that is close to what i need from a looting mod. I am trying to get it to loot items in the world also not only containers. This is what i got so far. This is basically the auto loot cheaters edition script to which I added the miscRef segment. I'm just a nub but I suspect 2 things. Either there's an issue with whatever the container for a object not in an actual container might be or the getfirstref doesn't work as I think :)


So what is the container for objects scattered around the wasteland?



scn MagneticPersonalityItemScript



short itemOffset

ref itemRef

short itemCount

short lootable

short keytoggle


ref lootingRef

ref containerRef

ref npcRef

ref creatureRef

ref miscRef


begin GameMode


If keytoggle != IsKeyPressed 38 ; L key

set keytoggle to IsKeyPressed 38


If keytoggle == 1 && MagneticPersonalityToggle == 0 ; that's a global variable for possible use in more scripts


set MagneticPersonalityToggle to 1

showmessage MagneticPersonalityON


Elseif keytoggle == 1 && MagneticPersonalityToggle == 1


set MagneticPersonalityToggle to 0

showmessage MagneticPersonalityOFF








If MagneticPersonalityToggle == 1 ; if AutoLoot is enabled by the Hotkey


set containerRef to GetFirstRef 27 1 0 ; Containers

Label 10

if containerRef

if player.Getdistance containerRef < 128

set lootingRef to containerRef

if lootingref.Getlocked == 1



set lootable to 1


set containerRef to Pencil01 ; Prevent apple bug

set containerRef to GetNextRef

Goto 10



set NpcRef to GetFirstRef 42 1 0 ; NPCs

Label 11

if NpcRef

if player.Getdistance NpcRef < 128 && NpcRef.GetDead == 1

set lootingRef to NpcRef

set lootable to 1


set NpcRef to Pencil01

set NpcRef to GetNextRef

Goto 11



set creatureRef to GetFirstRef 43 1 0 ; Creatures

Label 12

if creatureRef

if player.Getdistance creatureRef < 128 && creatureRef.GetDead == 1

set lootingRef to creatureRef

set lootable to 1


set creatureRef to Pencil01

set creatureRef to GetNextRef

Goto 12



set miscRef to GetFirstRef 31 1 0 ; Misc

Label 13

if miscRef

if player.Getdistance miscRef < 128

set lootingRef to miscRef

set lootable to 1


set miscRef to Pencil01

set miscRef to GetNextRef

Goto 13



if (lootable != 0)

set itemOffset to 0

Label 1

if (itemOffset < ListGetCount MagneticPersonalityFormList)

set itemRef to ListGetNthForm MagneticPersonalityFormList itemOffset

set itemCount to lootingRef.GetItemCount itemRef

if (itemCount > 0)

lootingRef.RemoveItem itemRef itemCount 1

Player.AddItem itemRef itemCount



set itemOffset to itemOffset + 1

GoTo 1



set lootable to 0











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Sorry for that.


scn MagneticPersonalityItemScript

short itemOffset
ref itemRef
short itemCount
short lootable
short keytoggle

ref lootingRef
ref containerRef
ref npcRef
ref creatureRef
ref miscRef

begin GameMode

If keytoggle != IsKeyPressed 38				; L key
	set keytoggle to IsKeyPressed 38
	If keytoggle == 1 && MagneticPersonalityToggle == 0 ; thats a global variable for possible use in more scripts

		set MagneticPersonalityToggle to 1
		showmessage MagneticPersonalityON

	Elseif keytoggle == 1 && MagneticPersonalityToggle == 1

		set MagneticPersonalityToggle to 0
		showmessage MagneticPersonalityOFF



If MagneticPersonalityToggle == 1 ; if AutoLoot is enabled by the Hotkey

set containerRef to GetFirstRef 27 1 0 ; Containers
Label 10
if containerRef
	if player.Getdistance containerRef < 128
		set lootingRef to containerRef
		if lootingref.Getlocked == 1
		set lootable to 1
	set containerRef to Pencil01 ; Prevent apple bug
	set containerRef to GetNextRef
	Goto 10

set NpcRef to GetFirstRef 42 1 0 ; NPCs
Label 11
if NpcRef
	if player.Getdistance NpcRef < 128 && NpcRef.GetDead == 1
		set lootingRef to NpcRef
		set lootable to 1
	set NpcRef to Pencil01 
	set NpcRef to GetNextRef
	Goto 11

set creatureRef to GetFirstRef 43 1 0 ; Creatures
Label 12
if creatureRef
	if player.Getdistance creatureRef < 128 && creatureRef.GetDead == 1
		set lootingRef to creatureRef
		set lootable to 1
	set creatureRef to Pencil01 
	set creatureRef to GetNextRef
	Goto 12

set miscRef to GetFirstRef 31 1 0 ; Misc
Label 13
if miscRef
	if player.Getdistance miscRef < 128
		set lootingRef to miscRef
		set lootable to 1
	set miscRef to Pencil01 
	set miscRef to GetNextRef
	Goto 13

		if (lootable != 0)
			set itemOffset to 0
			Label 1
				if (itemOffset < ListGetCount MagneticPersonalityFormList)
					set itemRef to ListGetNthForm MagneticPersonalityFormList itemOffset
					set itemCount to lootingRef.GetItemCount itemRef
					if (itemCount > 0)
						lootingRef.RemoveItem itemRef itemCount 1
						Player.AddItem itemRef itemCount

					set itemOffset to itemOffset + 1
					GoTo 1

			set lootable to 0




Edited by lasere200
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set miscRef to GetFirstRef 31 1 0 ; Misc
Label 16
if miscRef
	if player.Getdistance miscRef < 128
		miscRef.Activate player 0
		set lootable to 0
	set miscRef to Pencil01 
	set miscRef to GetNextRef
	Goto 16


This is how I did it so far and it works. Thanks rickerhk for the suggestion.


Now I would like to add a filter. I only want to pick up misc items with a value to weight ration of at least 10. Why does something like this not work?


if player.Getdistance miscRef < 128 && miscRef.GetWeight / miscRef.GetValue <= 1 / 10 

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You might want to try something like this,


if ((player.Getdistance miscRef < 128) && (miscRef.GetWeight / miscRef.GetValue) <= .1) 


But I would get the weight and the value first with a couple of float variables, then make sure that the value of the item was not zero before dividing, because that will halt the script. You never know if some mod will throw an item out there with zero value.

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that's interesting. I will do more work on it tonight and try to use the GetDisable thingy. could you please explain what a disabled reference is... I mean i'm really noob and don't really know how that works ingame and how would I be able to loot it if disabled.


I also noticed that the form list the initial addon used can lead to heavy slowdown if you add like 2.000 items on that list so I am going to have to do something so it doesn't really come to that.


also I don't like it unlocks containers for which you don't have the skill and I'll change that too.

i'm also probably gonna increase the range because since it's being done anyways it shouldn't be tedious and have you walking in room corners just for autolooting


basically I want it to save time without taking away from the game experience (more than it is by autolooting - so i still want lockpick minigames to be there and to still have to invest in lockpick skill)


i've noticed in the ammo list some ammo that has an actor as a suffix. something like MissileRobot... is this a npc or npc type specific ammo that I will never posses or do I loot it off those NPCs of that type when they die and get it and somehow magically transforms to normal ammo?

Edited by lasere200
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that's interesting. I will do more work on it tonight and try to use the GetDisable thingy. could you please explain what a disabled reference is... I mean i'm really noob and don't really know how that works ingame and how would I be able to loot it if disabled.


From the wiki for the Disable command...


"Disabled the calling reference. Disabled references are not rendered, and disabled actors will not process their AI. Scripts will run on disabled references."


For example, a lot of the containers in the Lucky 38 are disabled. They are in position with any contents intact, but invisible and unselectable to the player. You can manipulate the contents via script regardless of the desabled state.

So the liquor cabinet and SS machine could be lootable by script even though you hadn't yet bought the upgrade.

That was the first place I looked for an example. Not a huge game breaking example I admit :)


I also noticed that the form list the initial addon used can lead to heavy slowdown if you add like 2.000 items on that list so I am going to have to do something so it doesn't really come to that.


I hadn't looked that closely before at how that formlist was used. But that's a big list of lootable items?

If so you can forget what I said about the quest breaking part. I doubt you'd have quest items in that list.


But yeah the algorythm could be much better. It actually doesn't look like it work.

ie, assume that you are standing next to a dead molerat.

The Container and NPC refwalk may find and set the lootinRef variable.

But so long as there's a dead molerat there, that variable will always be overwritten before the end where the contents are scanned.

If you increased the range then this would be more evident.


So really you should loot during the refwalk, as you now do with the misc items.


To avoid the slowdown...

Instead of looping over 2000+ items, you could loop over the contents of the NPC or container.

With each of those items use the IsInList command.


Another way which will probably work too, is to scrap the list and just use the RemoveAllItems command.

That command will avoid the non-playable items like the MissileRobot you mentioned, and will also automatically loot items added by mods (which won't be on your orig list). It will grab the worthless stuff though.

There's another command RemoveAllItemsOfType, which allows you to remove all say... MISC items but you can supply a formlist of exclusions.

These two commands also have the benefit of not automatically repairing the weapon or armor to 100%. When you use RemoveItem and AddItem, a damaged pistol would be deleted, and a pristine one added.


also I don't like it unlocks containers for which you don't have the skill and I'll change that too.

i'm also probably gonna increase the range because since it's being done anyways it shouldn't be tedious and have you walking in room corners just for autolooting


basically I want it to save time without taking away from the game experience (more than it is by autolooting - so i still want lockpick minigames to be there and to still have to invest in lockpick skill)


Well too much range could be cheaty too. There's a cave with a dead NPC with some great loot, guarded by several deathclaws.

I always enjoy that one. If I had the loot aleady it would kind of spoil the reward.


If it ran on command, then it wouldn't be so bad. So you could clear the cell of enemies and then just press L to gather the loot to save time.

A popup warning saying that there's a locked box somewhere would be handy too so you don't miss out.


Lots of ideas to think on there, and I hope it makes sense :) It's probably one of those scripts that you'll have to keep tweaking and testing in-game to get the right balance.

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Wow.. thanks. a lot of good arguments and ideas in there. i'll see what I can make happen with my severely limited knowledge :)


edit: indeed remove item and add item is the absolute wrong way to go. I didn't know the items added were fully repaired.


edit: THANKS A BUNCH AGAIN... it's starting to look pretty decent... still can't get the filter for weight to value ratio to work. Does the item have to be in your inventory to getweight and getvalue?


edit: 4 in the morning. got it to pick up plants also. filter for value to weight ratio is working. it's actually playable right now without too many issues. cleaned it up quite a bit


set miscRef to GetFirstRef 31 1 0
Label 31
if miscRef
	if player.Getdistance miscRef < 256 && miscRef.GetDisabled == 0
		if miscRef.IsInList MagneticPersonalityMiscFormList == 1
			miscRef.Activate player 0
			set vFloat to miscRef.GetValue
			set wFloat to miscRef.GetWeight
			if wFloat == 0
				miscRef.Activate player 0
			elseif vFloat / wFloat >= 10
				miscRef.Activate player 0
	set miscRef to Pencil01
	set miscRef to GetNextRef
	Goto 31


for some reason i couldn't use the OR operator for

wFloat == 0 || vFloat / wFloat >= 10

. it wouldn't pick up bottle caps but i solved it like above. right now picking up from the open world is working fine and I like how i can filter it


picking up from containers isn't as flexible though


set NpcRef to GetFirstRef 42 1 0
Label 42
if NpcRef
	if player.Getdistance NpcRef < 256 && NpcRef.GetDisabled == 0 && NpcRef.GetDead == 1
		;NpcRef.RemoveAllTypedItems Player 1 1 24
		NpcRef.RemoveAllTypedItems Player 1 1 25
		;NpcRef.RemoveAllTypedItems Player 1 1 26
		NpcRef.RemoveAllTypedItems Player 1 1 29
		NpcRef.RemoveAllTypedItems Player 1 1 31
		NpcRef.RemoveAllTypedItems Player 1 1 40
		NpcRef.RemoveAllTypedItems Player 1 1 41
		NpcRef.RemoveAllTypedItems Player 1 1 46
		NpcRef.RemoveAllTypedItems Player 1 1 47
		NpcRef.RemoveAllTypedItems Player 1 1 49
		NpcRef.RemoveAllTypedItems Player 1 1 50
	set NpcRef to Pencil01
	set NpcRef to GetNextRef
	Goto 42


even if I add lists to filter it's quite a bit of work just because you have to include everything you want picked up unlike picking up from the open world where i can just add a list for everything that doesn't fit my filter as show in the miscRef example above


and for quick reference

ref activatorRef : Activator 21

ref armorRef ; Armor 24

ref bookRef ; Book 25

ref clothingRef ; Clothing 26

ref containerRef ; Container 27

ref ingredientRef ; Ingredient 29

ref miscRef ; Misc 31

ref weaponRef ; Weapon 40

ref ammoRef ; Ammo 41

ref npcRef ; NPC 42

ref creatureRef ; Creature 43

ref keyRef ; Key 46

ref alchemyRef ; Alchemy Item 47

ref noteRef ; Note 49

ref coRef ; Constructible Object 50

float vFloat

float wFloat


and something else I want to do. I want to make it so that it only STEALS when I am not detected. eventually weather it will steal at all should be an option but until then I do not know how to check if any item is an item i can take normally or steal... i know how to handle the detection but not the ownership stuff. maybe you could point me in the right direction. thanks again

Edited by lasere200
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