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So, I have this issue right now with my game crashing when I'm in the heart of Boston, you know, the most dense area, where the USS Constitution and Bunker hill are. If I go a few feet beyond those areas I crash. Rest of the game is fine. I have no quests in that area (yet), I have no modded quests in the area, I even deleted all of the save files and restarted, only to run to that area and have it crash again. I then redid everything to get into the main game, then followed the game. Codsworth, helping the settlers, Concord... yet, I still crash. Any idea how to fix it?

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I think I might have the same problem, there is an area south of bunker hill that I just cant go to anymore, cant approach it from any other direction either, includes places like rail road and cabot house, fallen sky bridge.

this is my debug file line if it means anything to anyone ealce.


[04/11/2016 - 07:42:13PM] error: Cannot call SongRepeats() on a None object, aborting function call stack: [MS04PostQuest (000DEC92)].MS04PostQuestScript.::remote_Actor_OnLocationChange() - "g:\_F4\Art\Raw\ScriptsMilestone\MS04PostQuestScript.psc" Line 27

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why don't you post what mods you are using so I can see if we have similar ones and figure out if one of them is the cause. But yes, same problem. My computer runs Fallout 4 just fine and originally didn't have this issue.

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Well I got 207 installed so might be here a while. maybe you have less?

It happens regardless of if I disable all the ESPs as well so it would have to be something that permanently alters a game file but I tried a steam validation and it didn’t download or change anything . also tried completely uninstalling anything that had mesh or texture changes because I believe that is what the culprit it. There is an object somewhere and its loading process is causing the game to crash. I recon this because the lower I set my Graphix settings and render distances the closer to the area I can get.

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There are a lot of places in the dense center of Boston where I CTD.


I'd honestly just written it off as save game corruption, as my save file is over 550 hours old at this point, and I checked the places on a new character and did not crash...

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I first noticed it a month ago, about the time automatron came out but I cant correlate it. At the time I had also just started using a more spawns mod so I though that was the problem, scine crashing in the bissy boston area is listed as one of the possible problems if your system cant take it, but I got rid of that and upgraded Graphix card so even if there any left over cells id be fine but still can’t get in there.

Lol I actually thought someone would come in here read my script line and just say ‘oh your missing a radio located in blabla that plays an important audio file, here this will fix it ‘

Authar said it happends even on a new game, havnt tested that myself yet, ill do that soon as I get home. My main file is 250hours, the furthest I can jump back is down to 200 but it still happens

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nope, infact i got a new gpu today for my birthday and it made it even worse because now my render distances are all maxed out and the affecting item loads in earlier than before


also, starting a new game dosnt fix it, removing mods dosnt fix it, must be linked to a mod that changes cell data or registery files, somthing that is perminant and dosnt get put back to normal when the mod is removed. meaning the only fix would be to identife the changed file and find someone who can upload the original or find a mod that overites the change that was made with somthing ealce

Edited by DS_Commander
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