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Extreme strategy mod


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Hello all. Inspired by the already amazing new series from TNT "Fallen Skies" I come with a question.


I am very interested in a mod that puts the player in the position of leader (or just a higher up rank) of a large group. In this group the player can order his or her men to scavenge supplies, scout certain areas, take over buildings and land, defend said lands from enemies, recruit new members, and over-all just a ragtag military type group that the player is part of. You would have to keep them supplied, perhaps even have an entire caravan system set up where you have to send caravans to your men, with food, water, ammo. You would have enemies constantly at your "nations" front-lines attacking you. Basically, if you talk to a lot of the NCR people, they are always going on about shortage of supplies, men, ect. What if the player was in charge of all that? If you have seen the new series (If you haven't I REALLY recommend it, I wanna play fallout every time I watch it!) you know exactly what I'm looking for.


Now is there any mods that come close to this description? Or at least anything you think I would enjoy that is similar? Thanks.

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