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fallout 3 freezing Please help!!! ive tried everything won


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Hey, so here is my problem: I had fallout 3 forever on my computer and i played it, modded it and it worked fine, i eventually got bored of it and uninstalled it to free up space on my computer. After a while I decided to reinstall it. Now I had a problem of freezing in the past on the start up of the game when you are choosing if you are a boy/girl name etc. But i fixed this with limiting the game to using 2 cores using the fallout_defualt.ini. Now i encountered the same problem as expected when i reinstalled the game and it didn't work. So now i have tried everything i have updated the graphics driver set all my settings to the lowest quality ran the game on compatibility mode. If anyone can give me some ideas on what to try to stop it from freezing that would be a huge help thank you so much.
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