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Scary moments.


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I had a recent scare that left me for a few hours on the verge of having a heart attack. For some reason the features from CM Partners did not work and I thought it was the pose mods I installed. Still nothing, but I solved it a few hours later. It was either because the esm was behind epic dungeon esm, or the fact that I recently added some eyes to a few races that had partners added to them, but I forgot to check cm partners esm and esp while I was doing this. Still, good enough to capable of sending me to the nearest hospital.



Anyone else have their panic button pressed and left scratching their heads as their game is left screwed up momentarily? Not one of those Oblivion doesn't run thing. I mean it's fine one second and the next all hell breaks lose.

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I thought you was...nevermind.

In Oblivion when my beautififal character started looking like a vampirehttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/ohdear.png


In Fallout 3, with the Gary's.

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Yeah, I had installed a mod called Castle Sky Avalon. Apparently it didn't like me deactivating it, because it deleted ALL of the ground in all my open cities, as well as making a whole bunch of rocks partially see through around Chorrol. Was a bit of a shocker when I fell through the ground.
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