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I'm so stumped! Need help with custom recipe organization!


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Hey there I'm trying to add a custom vending machine to my mod, and it will kinda work like the one in Dead Money, except using bottle caps instead of sierra madre chips to "create" vending machine food stuff.

I have been figuring out how to do this for no joke like five hours now, and I can't come up with anything!!!! >:(

I need to know how to:

-Create a custom recipes category

-Add recipes to that category

I can't find anything that'll let me do either!!!! Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

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"Object Window" -> "Miscellaneous" -> "Recipe Category" -> Create your recipe category

"Object Window" -> "Miscellaneous" -> "Recipe" -> Create your recipes using the "Name" given to your "Recipe Category" as the "Category" of your "Recipe"


When you call "Player.ShowRecipeCategory ****" the only recipes which will show up are the ones with **** as the "Category" as listed in the "Recipe". (**** needs to be the ObjectID of the "Recipe Category" whereas the "Category" field in the recipe will have the "Name" field listed in the "Recipe Category".



PS. I just realised 90% of my posts in the last few days have been answering your topics... Stalker much?

Edited by Skevitj
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No! Not stalker! Savior!!!!!!! That's what it is! :D :D :D :D :D :D you have helped me sooooooooooooo much!!!!! thank you for everything!

Sorry for delaying my mod release. I keep finding things to add on to it to make it more than a one time usage.

Again I am going to say:


Thank you sooooo much!!!

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Just noticed you other posts: Don't post in multiple topics with the exact same thing. It's just gonna get you banned rather quick.


Incase you don't already know, you can use the "Watch Topic" button in the top right corner to keep track of a topic, and it will notify you under the "Watched Content" -> "Topics" tab on the main nexus forums page if anyone posts on a topic. Saves having to remember and track it down manually.

Edited by Skevitj
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this was an interesting read :P


Maybe somebody will create a mod to resemble dave and busters or a chuck-e-cheese with stupid cute little prizes except much more dangerous like ammo (low prizes) to fat man's lmao

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Dude that would be pretty funny. I think a D and B would be better because it could also be like a bar at the same time. A chuck-e-cheese you'd have to add little annoying kids to complete it bleeeh!

3 words. kill-able children mod.

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