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Stop Staring at me!


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Okay, so basically, I'm tired of sitting down in a tavern and EVERYONE within five feet of me, start to smile and stare at me. Endlessly. It just makes me uncomfortable. So I was wondering if someone could cook up a real simple mod that makes it so NPCs don't STARE at the player. Like have them look to the player for a few seconds at max, and then go back to what they were doing, y'know? It would make roleplaying much easier on my part. I mean Oblivion is a role playing game, right?


-Thanks in advance to any responses,


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I could be wrong, but I fear that most of this is hardcoded and not modable. Many other people have complained about all the idiotic grins in Oblivion. I have heard that certain companion mods have made it so the companions don't grin foolishly all the time.


The most obvious approach would be to make a mod that made people dislike you. You could make it so all the factions disliked the player faction. You would have to be careful though, because if you pushed it too far, townsfolk would attack you for no reason.


Fame is another issue. People like you when you are famous. The mod could be set up so that periodically it would reduce your fame so that you never became famous.


These approaches would make it so people would make rude comments and maybe scowl and give you dirty looks. But they would still stare at you a lot with hateful expressions on their faces. I have no idea how anyone would go about preventing the actors from staring at you.

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I'm no modder but would tweaking fAIMaxSmileDistance help? Wrye Bash has such a tweak, should be simple enough to do the same thing with CS and save it as a tiny plugin.
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Oh, it saddens me that there isn't a simple function that someone could change to make it so people don't stare at me like an idiot, or that I just came from Oblivion itself (I had, but how would they know?)


Anyway, thanks for the replies, and great mod there David!

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If i recall, if u get a npc to wear that crusader armour mod on here, their heads wont turn around or look at you. Maybe that could mean something?
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I agree with ILGrimmreaper. It's stupid of the devs to make the world so focused on the player. Even if everyone know you and like you for your deeds, they wouldn't stare at you like a fangirl at a Justin Bieber concert. If lady Gaga walked into a bar, would everyone stare at her with a big grin on their face? I think not. At most they would make hasty glances at her now and then. I hope they fix this in the next game. Edited by DeepSoul
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I agree with ILGrimmreaper. It's stupid of the devs to make the world so focused on the player. Even if everyone know you and like you for your deeds, they wouldn't stare at you like a fangirl at a Justin Bieber concert. If lady Gaga walked into a bar, would everyone stare at her with a big grin on their face? I think not. At most they would make hasty glances at her now and then. I hope they fix this in the next game.


I pray you are right, my friend.

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  • 6 years later...
Anyone know what any particular companion mods did to fix the "Joker grin"? Several of them still do it (Mystic Elves, among others), and I want to repair them.
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then try modify smile related settings, you can modify it in-game and the changes is instant by console command

here's the list about NPCs smile related (probably)

that value is default Oblivion, you could change it for testings


SetNumericGameSetting fAIMaxSmileDistance 128


SetNumericGameSetting fAIGreetingTimer 20
SetNumericGameSetting fAIMinGreetingDistance 150
SetNumericGameSetting fAIMaxHeadTrackDistance 300
SetNumericGameSetting fAIMaxHeadTrackDistanceFromPC 2000
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