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Mod Recomendations


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So I just got done with my first play through of DA:O on the 360. I finally borrowed my friends copy and proceeded to spend about 80hrs having an amazing time. I checked Steam and noticed the Ultimate edition was about 6 bucks more than a copy of Awakening for the 360 so BAM I bought it. I've spent the last couple days sifting through posts and lists and have come up with an initial mod list. If there are any mods that work better or combine anything I have on here, or something I'm missing please let me know. Thanks in advance.



1. -Whats the best mod manager for steam?-

2. Epilogue Slide Fixes

3. Improved atmosphere

4. Dragon Age Redesigned

5. Forced Deathblows

6. Grey Warden Runic Armor

7. Extra Dog Slot

8. Character Respec

9. No Helmet Hack

10. Advanced Tactics

11. Circles Be gone

12. FtG UI Mod

13. Duncans Armor

14. Unlock All 25 Tatic Slots

15. The magic box

16. Dual Weapon Abilities for Arcane Warriors

17. No Starting abilities

18. Extended Dog Talents

19. Winter Forge

18. Qwinns unofficial Fixpack

21. Dialogue tweaks

22. practical Dalish female aromor

Edited by schitzoflink
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Welcome, schitzoflink!


Your list looks pretty good, depending on what you're trying to achieve.




a) JBTextures and DA-Redesigned don't play well together, (DARe requires Dracomies True Textures.)


b) Improved Atmosphere conflicts with several things on your list, and can make your saves unstable if you remove it. Use with Caution!


c) I would add "Skip the Fade", but some people find that part to be their favourite.


d) Having a Steam install doesn't matter for which of the two managers. The paths for various things have to be tweaked by you for either one. I prefer DAO-Modmanager (DAMM) because it can handle ".override" files, and has better options for deactivating but not deleting mods. But it dosen't handle ".zip" or ".rar" files directly, so one has to do some manual prep work with those.


You might want to check this thread for some other perspectives: "Good Mods - Opinions".


Those lists are a little out-of-date now, but the thinking behind people's choices is still interesting.


Happy Modded Gaming! :thumbsup:

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Thanks, I'll be sure to drop the JBTextures since they didn't really bother me during my 360 game.


I saw Skip the Fade many times and to tell the truth it didn't bother me and this is my second and last play through with a mage. When I play again it will be one of the other classes.


What else besides parts of Dragon Age redesigned conflict with Improved Atmosphere? I couldn't find any mention in the IA readme other than DA:Redesigned

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Improved Atmosphere conflicts with many, many mods. Since it adds effects and materials that do not exist in the game otherwise, and "re-purposes" some others, you never know what strange problems will occur when you start mixing it with other mods.


Things will appear to be fine, then "BAM!" A glitch occurs that you finally trace back to IA and some other mod that shouldn't have any interaction with each other, but do. But then you uninstall IA and discover that your saved games all crash on load. IA touches so many elements of the vanilla game that it's one of those "all and nothing mods. (You can use it, and nothing else!)


Even NBaio, which has some very complex installation and uninstallation requirements, doesn't leave your saves unplayable upon removal (as long as you follow the directions.) IA can.

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Depends on what you consider to be the "best parts" of IA. There are several that makes tweaks to various game-engine behaviours. I use Qwinn's and the DA Rules Fixpacks. But there are very few (if any) that add the on-going interaction with the environment the way IA does. :sad:
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Well I'll just have to look through it and make the decision on my own....though I'm not sure much will convince me to use a mod that conflicts with many things and can break my savegame. I've been running heavily modded oblivion for years and very rarely crash by avoiding conflicting mods so i'm iffy about it as a habit lol


EDIT: Now that i've read through everything a second time, it looks like I just want more party banter lol so any recommendations on that?

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As far as more banter goes, adding additional dialogue that wasn't in the original is a LOT of work for any modder. There are a few (e.g. "Ser Gilmore") that do a great job of adding fully-voiced companions, but not many.


Terra_Ex's "Morrigan Restoration Patch" (MRP) repairs some broken convo branches and plot-flags and so activates dialogue options and cutscenes triggers that were coded, but not working, in the vanilla game. It is HIGHLY recommended!


And there are some mods (I haven't used any) that allow you to trigger the existing banter more easily. Search the files section for "Banter". :thumbsup:

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