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What files are included in a bsa?


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I have been trying to get tes4files to recognize .egm and .kf files, but it won't. I don't seem to be able to get all my textures when using obmm and tes4files doesn't compress anything not already from an archive? I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I have tried many different settings on bsa commander but it never lets me compress. I have made sure there aren't any .txt or any texture replacer files. If anybody knows of a good tutorial for creating bsa's, I would like to know what I am missing...



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I havn't seen the Edit on your other bsa post (you shouldn't do that if you want attention from someone who already read you post ;) )


What do you mean there if you say "Still the same problems". What's the result? Did you try to unpack and re-pack the Oblivion meshes bsa? Because it's really straight-forward. I did that at least 20, and it's so easy once I figured the required flags, and I found the needed directory structure. And it also incluses .kf and .egm files.


And can cyou explain "it never lets me compress"? The only reason I can imagine is "Incorrect Params" when you don't enter an archive name.


Maybe directory structure is you problem: you need to make a directory structure which is identical to the one required in Oblivion. With Data being the top and bsa commanders source dir. Or, if you repackage the Oblivion meshes bsa as proposed, you can simply use the bsacmd's "out" directory as source (without the need to rename it to "Data")

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I repeatedly beat my head against the wall :wallbash: until I figured it out. Thanks for the updated params. That was one of my problems. I then figured out that the new bsa name has to have the full file path for the output folder. Thanks for your patience and help. It is easier to keep trying when somebody is willing to help.







the most useful information that you gave me was to dissect other mods' bsa files and see what archive flags they set. Also I now use the data folder (not the oblivion/data :wink:). Also, you must specify the location of the mod you wish to use as a full path, clicking on the file path icon (...). I made a dummy bsa file to modify the name of. If I could give you kudos again, I would. Thanks again.

Edited by theuseless
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