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Data Directory


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i have had too many mods installed and i want to go back to original,

is there any way somebody could provide me their data directory

without the BSA's,ESPs, and video folder... i have so many mods inside and always kept overwriting things

i feel like its just making my oblivion crash all the time and some textures are incorrect

some have become white and purple...


i tried removing everything except the original plugins and master files for oblivion shivering isles and knights of nine

(this includes the textures folder and all those things)

when i start a game after removing all those things the screen starts grey, but sound and HUD is fine...


so it would b wonderful it somebody could help me by providing some help...


i have Oblivion + Shivering Isles + Knights of nine (file version

(i kept all the original BSA + ESP + video folder)

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How come you can't just uninstall Oblivion, delete the Bethesda Softworks folder then reinstall? Your savegames are safe since they're in your My Documents directory.


unessasary.... just wondering if any of u r willing to help me out.. if it comes down that that option i will end up just doing that~

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How come you can't just uninstall Oblivion, delete the Bethesda Softworks folder then reinstall? Your savegames are safe since they're in your My Documents directory.


unessasary.... just wondering if any of u r willing to help me out.. if it comes down that that option i will end up just doing that~


Its a lot easier and quicker than getting someone else to send you the data, and, like KawiRider said, your savegames are completely safe.

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I can't understand why reinstalling would be unnecessary considering receiving someone else's Data/ folder is borderline if not complete piracy not to mention the massive size of the Data folder. Assuming we all had Gigabit internet connections (haha!) giving you our data folder would be far more time consuming than simply reinstalling.
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