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Offhand Weapon tutorial


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I haven't seen an offhand weapon tutorial, so I figured I might as well tell how now.




Kuraikiba's Offhand Weapon Creation Guide




This is fairly simple, in all honesty. First off, I'll tell how to do this for weapons.

Then, I'll tell how you can do it for any object. In truth, this is a pretty simple little Nifskope operation.






1. Open Nifskope


2. Select a weapon. Any will do.


3. Click on the little arrow next to the NiNode text in the left hand side window.


4a. Check the NiStringExtraData node for whether it is SideWeapon or BackWeapon


4b. If BackWeapon, make it SideWeapon. Right there, I just told you how to make a two handed weapon one handed.


5. Change SideWeapon to Bip01 L Forearm Twist. That makes it basically a shield.


As is, it would now be probably sticking out of the elbow sideways if used. We will remedy that in the next few steps.


6. Right click on a part of the weapon, and select edit. Make sure it selects the weapon, not it's collision box.


7. Rotate Y to 90.0, and then move make X = 22 or X = 23. It depends on grip size.


8. Repeat 6 and 7 for all parts of the weapon.


9. Save the weapon in the armor folder in Data/Meshes/armor


10. Test it out in game.






This takes a little finessing. However, it's simple, once a few steps are done


1. First, open an item in Nifskope.


2. Click on the little arrow next to the NiNode text in the left hand side window.


3. Right click on the top NiNode's Value. Go Batch->Insert in the list, and search NiS... for NiStringExtraData.


4. Make the value of NiStringExtraData Sideweapon. Right there, I've told how to make any item a weapon. For other applications, use BackWeapon for 2 handers,

Bow for Bow and Staff for Staff.


5. Whatever direction the item is pointed in is likely wrong. Zoom in, and find which direction is Y for it.


6. Align the all parts of the item to face forward in the Y axis, or up as it would be in the game. This takes a little testing and fidgeting with the item.


7. Once you have it aligned so it looks like a weapon, save it in Data/Meshes/Weapon. Now, that item is officially a weapon.


8. Now, do steps 6-8 of the procedure for standard weapons.


9. Now, save the new item using the same file name in Data/Meshes/Armor.


10. Test in game.




If you got through this whole guide and everything was followed exactly as I explained it, then let me be the first to note the success. Congrats, you've just learned how to make any item into a weapon, how to make two handers into one handers, and how to make offhanders all in one tutorial! As well, if you make a regular weapon rotated R = 180 and Y = 180, and the same for an offhanded weapon, then you've just learned how to make reverse grip weapons as well! I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, so you can make your Oblivion experience a little more stylish! Have fun!




By Kuraikiba



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Articles are being done away with when Dark0ne updates the site in the coming months. That's why there's a wiki now. Besides, the wiki makes things look better than they did with the BBCode.


Here's a quick lesson on them: (its ironic I know how to use a wiki so well, yet can't get on it :facepalm:)

  • To make a new page, find the search bar (its under the Dragon Age section) and type in your title with spaces being underscores (_). Ex. How_to_eat_pie
  • If the page doesn't exist, it will say "Create *title*!" in red. Click that, and a blank page will come up. Click the [edit]
  • Put the category its in. Your's would most likely be:
    [[Category:Oblivion - Nifscope]]
  • Then you copy and paste your text into the editor.
  • Wiki codes is simple once you know how to use it. The ==TEXT== part makes a line under your text. To insert a link, you put [*insert url* Text to be displayed] with a space in between the text and url, with the url first.
  • To make a list, you put something similar to this:
    ==LIST TITLE==
    # Number 1
    #: Places a space like how the [[Category]] part of this is
    # Number 2
    #: Text to continue Number 2
    # And so on.


Hope this helps!


EDIT: But to get on the Article section of any Nexus (except maybe TheWitcherNexus), you add /articles to the url. (TESNexus) LHammonds started a Article-to-Wiki conversion a while ago, because of the removal of them.

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