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Weapn Reload Animation

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Hello, I'm having some trouble with reload animation for weapons, if someone is experienced with this please help.

So basically i was trying to port some weapons from New Vegas to Fallout 3 (Imperator's weapons).


basically, i'm just changing the master file and file version in geck to port it over. i did a few edits like changing

repair list and changing ammo type to those exist in Fallout 3 but really stuck on weapon reload animations.


Basically most of the weapons use ReloadF as its reload animation, however in Fallout 3, ReloadF is the reload

animation for laser pistol, so when i try to reload the weapons, the wrong one

shows up and the ammo clip also won't come off, i tried switching it to all of the other animations but none of

them have clips coming off, its really wierd that the clips stay intact even when some other matching reload animations

are used like the ones for assault rifle and chinese assault rifle for Fallout 3 (ReloadA and ReloadE).


what i found even wierder is that the ReloadF animation is shared between many different types of weapon for New Vegas,

it is used for assault carbine, service rifle, laser pistols, they are totally different types of weapons!!!


so i was wondering if anyone can shed light on this, i have always wanted to use those amazing NV weapons in Fallout 3.

Edited by zhangweizheng3
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