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Hey I have been looking for Alucards suits from the hellsing ova, but could not find it on the net, so i'm asking you wonderful programmers if you could make the suits for me?


Please help :D :facepalm:



i have some pics her:


http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs48/f/2009/215/1/6/Alucard_by_nominee84.jpg :wub:




and maby for the girls the dress for Seras Victoria also from Hellsing ova (the yello dress)




and the gun:



Harkonnen mrk. 2


Edited by INSOman
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Well, the Jackal pistol definitely exists for NV, just search for Jackal in the download section. Don't leave home without it. I'm even using it in FO3 :P


The red hat also has definitely been made, I should know, I retextured it. It's the Vlad's Red Hat from my Professional's Suits Mod.


It's everything else that is the problem, unfortunately.


- The round glasses definitely exist, but the only version I've ever seen is for Shojo heads, and it is in fact in the Shojo NPC mod for Fallout 3. It's fairly trivial to convert to New Vegas, but I would contact the author of the Shojo mod if you don't want to do that yourself. The downside is that it is for Shojo heads, which is why I'm running around as a modified 6'3" tall Neko Shojo in my last Fallout 3 game :P (Neko Shojo actually has vampire teeth too.)


- The red suit... now the closest to the mesh in the Anime/OVA/etc would actually be one of Jaysus's rogue ranger coats, but unfortunately it's not the right shade of red for Hellsing IMHO. You could try asking him for a retexture, I guess. Me, I use a different red coat based on Eulogy's suit, and it's also included with those professional suits. I'm not gonna lie, it's not the same, but it looks good enough for me.


- The Harkonnen gun also hasn't been made to the best of my knowledge. I use a different 30mm gun myself, namely the Vladimir. Caveat: it's actually the size of a real 30mm gun, whereas the Harkonnen they drew is more like the size of a 75mm howitzer :P


- No idea about the police girl suit though. I wish there was one, but I don't know of any.


And for reference about what I'm talking about, here's the hat, suit, Jackal, glasses and 30mm gun I've been talking about:



Edited by Moraelin
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Thanks a lot, I have only search in the NV section and only found the Jackal.


i will take a look at the F3 mods and talk with them.


Thanks for the helt with Alucard.


now It still could be nice with Seras Victoria dress:D

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