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Noise Making player, ( Nope not noise arrows mod )


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Can someone make like a mod that makes your player like emit a sound or make a sound that makes surrouding NPCs go to you.

for example Like you hide in a corner and make noise there, a bandit investigate where the noise came from. and there you kill them. The noise maker arrows is kinda tedious.

Also I want this to work with the mod Hidespots byJZBai ( http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55264/? )

In a scenario like you hide in a barrel and call a bandit nearby there is a feature in the mod stated that you can assassinate any passerby in where you hide, this will be a great mod. I don't know if its easy for the modders or difficult. But if this is possible that mod be great!

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You must play a lot of assassin's creed ahaha. Just call it a simple whistle mod. xD


However, there is already the taunt shout in the vanilla game.

Yep, assassin's creed xD


Btw I wanted it to work with the mod hiding spots, but I don't think I can shout while hiding.

Like the concept is to make your player emit a sound that makes detection, but doesn't need to have an animation, like it can be played while doing anything. Someone like just 'hit button to play' for sound to emit. Hope someone will do this tho creation kit rekts everytime because my prolly my laptop is a potato powered toaster.

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