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Are projectiles hard coded?


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I've been experimenting with various weapons that apply a magical effect. For example the mindcloud syringe or the hallucigen canisters.
When I put together a mod I am only getting the default effects. For example if I clone the hallucigen canister, any thrown grenades have the effect of that, unless something else in substituted in. Likewise, if I clone a frag grenade and apply the magical effects of the hallucigen canister, instead it remains an explosive, even though the weapon is linked to an object effect, which in turn references those magical effects.

I was thinking of making a custom, new projectile for those but I don't see anywhere that I can change things. How could I make these projectiles do what I want?

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If you want an enchantment to apply to all targets hit by an explosion you will need to enchant the explosion. For a weapon with explosive projectiles the chain goes WEAP -> PROJ -> EXPL -> ENCH.

If you want an enchantment to only apply to targets hit by a weapon's projectile, you need to enchant the weapon. The chain there goes WEAP -> ENCH.

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