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Linking sound to a switch


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ya ive plugged in different sound and they all do the same thing.

sorry, i can't see anything wrong with the script, maybe somebody else can.

and you're sure you picked a _non_looping_ sound...? QSTKlaxonA DEFINITELY is a looper, so make a non-looping copy of it and try again.

and make sure the switch doesn't have any activation parents or anything.

else, i'd have no idea why this shouldn't work

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ok i did all of this but now my script wont save :wacko: i cant even copy and paste the script. it wont save and there are no problems. i copied it to the letter. im just going to scrap it and try someting else :wallbash:

thank you for your help though.

Edited by Officer360
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im trying to get it to keep looping until i press the switch again for it to stop. sorry for not being clear on that. i want it to work like a fire alarm where you pull the switch and the alarm goes off but when you flip the switch again the sound stops.
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Place the sound into the cell, and edit the reference so that it is 'initially disabled', 'persistent', and give it a name like 'KlaxonSndREF'.


(I think) you should then be able to use the KlaxonSndREF.enable and KlaxonSndREF.disable commands to turn it on/off in your switch script.

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