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Shape Shifting ?


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Yes, it could be done, but the function for matching face geometry is apparently flawed (I'v never used it, just from passing comments I noticed). There are also some nvse functions like getHairColor. Other aspects of teh script would include getEquippedObject (on any of the various slots of the dead actor if you need to clone any items to complete the look), manipulating factions etc.

This was something I looked into for a Chinese infiltration suit (an advanced version of the Hei gui stealth armor that in addition to producing a active camouflage system could alter the appearance of the black ghost operatives for insurgency purposes);



could be fun and in terms of game balance it doesn't really change the dynamics much (adds faction disguise but doesn't pump up DT, health etc), so I don't think it's overpowered. I think the armor is do-able if the function (SetBipedModelList/SetBipedModelPathEX) is reliable and works the way I believe it does. There will be details to work out. For instance merging the faction armor scripts with a var to determine the disguise, or using removeScript & SetScript. So it's hard to say before doing any research if all functions will be available, but I'd like to think it's possible (although very challenging).


I might be able to integrate changing other aspects like sex, race and hair as well. Those aspects may rely predominantly on the helmet, but I'd like to include them as well as face presets so one can masquerade (at least visually) as some (maybe most) of the games major NPCs. Fallout2am mentioned to me that the MatchFaceGeometry may be a gimped function, and she's pretty knowledgeable about all things fallout, so we'll see.


Oh and probably change it from Chinese disguise suit to Chinese infiltration suit.


But yeah, should be a lot of fun to use if a workable solution is put together. We should have all the functions we need, it's just a question of tying everything together. I'm not a scripter, but I might be able to stumble through it, and maybe it's a good enough idea that we could get help from a more capable scripter if needed.

But I wouldn't be interested in a simple shape change ability without any rhyme or reason (as your suggesting), especially when a lore friendly explanation is so easy to construct.

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