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Problem with Magazine on Weapon in Nifskope


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I've been having a problem lately with magazines on some of my meshes. In nifskope, everything looks ok. When I tried the rifle out in-game and dropped it, it looks right on the ground. It's when i'm holding the weapon that the magazine is out of place.

I've tried transforming the coordinates of the mag's NiNode and on the mag itself. I figured out I had to change the name from ##Magazine to ##Clip before the animation even worked. Any help would be much appreciated!


EDIT: When I try to change the NiTransformData, where I go down to Translations, then to Keys and try to change the Value/Vector 3 values to match the rest of them, it changes the position of the magazine again! Ah, frustrating.

The reason why I tried to change the NiTransformData is because it had the same values as the NiNode.

Edited by SoLoMaGiK
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Ah, right, I know that problem well. I had to work around it in stuff like the Vladimir.


The problem is that whatever you write in that transform controller will be ignored. The clip position and movement (as well as bolt, etc) is determined by the player animations, actually.


The way *I* worked around it was to change the coordinates of the mesh itself. Not just apply a translation, but if I want to have a clip 5 units to the front, and the mesh for old one was centered in (0, 0, 0), I'll shift every single vertex in the new one by 5 so the new clip is centered in (5, 0, 0).


Downside: it may look very funky when reloading, as you'll have a clip that goes through your fingers or is even outside your hand.

Edited by Moraelin
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I fixed it from some help over at the Underground. The name of the NiNode and the corresponding Reload animation is what I needed to change.

Thanks for your input though :)

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