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Armor Sets


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*Is it possible to sort of link different items so as to give an armor a debuff while wearing it without a matching helmet, to where when you equip the corresponding helmet, it removes the debuff?

**My predicament is that I want to massively buff power armor, but when you fight an enemy with no helmet, I would like them to have a debuff that makes it so they still take relatively normal damage when getting shot in the head. In my imagination, I would do this by giving them a debuff affecting their head which would negate all/most DT/DR benefits provided to the head by the body piece until/unless they are wearing a power armor head piece that will protect their head.


***Another way I could do this would be the make just wearing the armor alone without a helmet give the head a debuff that pretty much removes the DT/DR benefit provided to the head by the body piece(as mentioned above), and substantially buff the power armor helmets so that its pretty much overriding the effect of the debuff provided by the armor when you equip said helmet.


I need to know how to make a status effect that makes the head more vulnerable as mentioned in **/***

An added bonus would be if you knew of a way to sort of link items into an armor set as mentioned in *


If none of this made sense and you need further clarification on what I'm asking, just ask.

Thanks for any help you can offer.

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*Is it possible to sort of link different items so as to give an armor a debuff while wearing it without a matching helmet, to where when you equip the corresponding helmet, it removes the debuff?

**My predicament is that I want to massively buff power armor, but when you fight an enemy with no helmet, I would like them to have a debuff that makes it so they still take relatively normal damage when getting shot in the head. In my imagination, I would do this by giving them a debuff affecting their head which would negate all/most DT/DR benefits provided to the head by the body piece until/unless they are wearing a power armor head piece that will protect their head.


***Another way I could do this would be the make just wearing the armor alone without a helmet give the head a debuff that pretty much removes the DT/DR benefit provided to the head by the body piece(as mentioned above), and substantially buff the power armor helmets so that its pretty much overriding the effect of the debuff provided by the armor when you equip said helmet.


I need to know how to make a status effect that makes the head more vulnerable as mentioned in **/***

An added bonus would be if you knew of a way to sort of link items into an armor set as mentioned in *


If none of this made sense and you need further clarification on what I'm asking, just ask.


Thanks for any help you can offer.

You can use the GECK to create an Object Effect, call it something like "HelmetWornEFFECT" then add this effect to your armor in Object Effects. Edit the effect to increase DT/DR dependant on whether another item is worn in this case you add the "Increase Damage Threshold" magnitude then you add IfGetEquipped "HelmetID" == 1

You then do the same for Damage Resistance, then repeat both in another new Object Effect called "ArmorWornEFFECT" for in the Helmet but use IfGetEquipped "PowerArmorID" ==1


These will stack ontop of what ever the base DT/DR is so you might have the armor only 10DT and the Helmet only 1DT but worn together the bonus may be +5DT on each taking you to 21DT.


These probably arent the exact comands, I'm doing it from memory but hopefully it will give you a clue or 2.

Edited by ozziefire
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