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Do bugs sometimes 'just happen'?


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I was wondering if sometimes bugs just happen?

For example, the other day, whenever I got close to the intercom at Tenpenny Towers I got the dreaded CTD.

I had no mods installed that directly added or altered anything in Tenpenny so I knew that wasn't the issue.

I did however have a couple mods installed that altered/added NPC's in areas like Megaton, Rivet City and Tenpenny Towers . I did not have any problem with these mods in other cities but out of curiousity I shut them off.

It made no difference. The dreaded CTD continued. I played around with a few other things to no avail. By now it was late. I was tired. I shut off the computer.

The next day I went back and to my surprise I had no problem getting into Tenpenny. All my mods were on and I had changed nothing. It made me wonder if sometimes bugs just happen or if I missed something, somewhere, somehow. (I do have an amazing gift for missing the obvious sometimes)


Another question: I read on one of these posts somewhere that FO3 was the "crashingest game in history".

Is this true? I do know that on occasion I can be playing for an hour or two, everything is running great and then without warning or any apparent reason *BANG* The dreaded CTD that leaves me sitting there scratching my head in bewilderment.

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I dunno if bugs just happen by coincidence (although I'd be willing to bet they do), but for me, game play time makes a difference. With both FO3 and FONV, at about the 3rd to 4th hour of playing time, I can predict a CTD. It has helped to purge the cell buffer periodically. There are mods out there that do it for you, but it takes like 5 seconds to open the console and type in "pcb" (without the quotes). That has helped greatly. I think with both games bloat is a problem.


I would have thought that NV was the crashingest thing in history. Very buggy that one o_O But I've never had that many problems with FO3 crashing unless it was due to a mod conflict. That's why it's good to only activate one or two mods at a time. Trust me, I learned that the hard way, lol

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