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Script help: set queststage on characters death

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So I am hammering along at the same mod I keep talking about and I've hit a real block. I suck at scripting. I got a 0 in basic computer science.


So here's my setup




15 player killed fungus already

20 al says go to apartments and resolve conflict with fungus

30 resolve the conflict

50 conflict resolved

200 AL's farm is safe and I have been paid.

210 end quest




and here's my script.




SCN VTFIElfangorMurder


begin ondeath VTFIMr.Blue

if (getStage VTFIElfangor <15)

setstage VTFIElfangor 15

elseif (getStage VTFIElfangor <= 30)

setstage VTFIElfangor 50






Please critique

Edited by Roycesraphim
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Except for the reference to the character (VTFIMr.Blue), that script looks fine to me.


The period character should be used with care as it has a special meaning when used in scripts (your use of it is illegal). In most cases GECK will remove any illegal characters, but in scripts theres no handholding.


Find where you put VTFIMrBlue (most likely the period has been removed) into the world and assign it a EditorID, like VTFIMrBlueREF. Also make sure the "Persistant Reference" checkbox is marked. Change the script to:


begin ondeath VTFIMrBlueREF ;<-- must be a reference



That should be it. Also I'm assuming the NPC VTFIMrBlue is set to have the script VTFIElfangorMurder on it. Otherwise it won't work.

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