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Okay, I came to realize I need a debug pistol in my life for testing things in fallout 4.

Back in Fallout NV it was a 9mm pistol, however I feel that in Fallout 4 it shouldn't be that, or even a 10mm pistol.


I think the best fit for a debug pistol would be the Pipe pistol, as it has the most mods you can do on it.

The debug pistol should do extreme amounts of damage, and should be able to one shot any lvl 300+ legendary mob in the game. So it would have to do as much damage as possible in the game or close to it.


Can someone make a Debug Pipe Pistol please?

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Download fo4edit
find the pipe pistol , copy as new record,
rename it "debug pistol for someone who wants to mod but can't be bothered to learn fo4edit" or whatever you'd like

Scroll down to damage row, set it to 1200
copy down the hexidecimal base id number

save it, load the .esp

in the game type player.additem "base id i told you to write down" 1

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