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Mods Not Working


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Well, here we go. I have read other threads that I thought might help me out, but no one is having the exact problem I am. Some were very similar so I tried the suggestions given; however, still no luck.
I have the latest version of the mod manager and follow all instructions to the letter (as far as I know haha). Anyway, some mods I have in my folder don't even show up in the left list pane of the mod manager, and even some that do still do not show up in game. I have made sure the mods I'm using aren't broken. Well, I check the updates for the mod compendiums and all that. None of the mods I try to use are broken, and none of them conflict with each other. I don't think so anyway. I was even sure to go through the lists of function-verified mods and only picked one from each category so I was sure there would be no problems. Still nothing. A few of the hair mods I chose work, the one eyelash mod works, but absolutely none of the complexion or makeup mods I chose even show up during merging. I believe the one brow mod I download is working as well, but that's it. I was told that they were still working in the latest patch. I really have no idea what else to do haha.
I'm no expert when it comes to mods, but I'm not a beginner either. Perhaps the mods aren't working after all? Idk. I could give a list of the mods I'm trying to use if needed. If any you see conflict or are broken, please let me know...cuz I may have been mislead ha.

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Hair Retexture by FontOfNothing (Working...I think. Hair definitely seems to look better)
Cornrows straight hair by kadustuniverse / Kadust (not in list pane/merging)
Bangs N' Braids for Humans Elfs and Dwarfs by Adela (not merging)
Qunari Long Ponytail Pack by kadustuniverse (not in list pane/merging)
Long Hair With Braid For Humans Elfs And Dwarf by Adela (working)
Side Braid with Bun by dianalasen / caliterra (was working)
Bun hair with long fringe by Skaramoosh (working)
Ponytail twisted curls by Kadust - sorry, couldn't get link to work (not in list pane/merging)
Short pulled back curls by kadustuniverse / Kadust (not in list pane/merging)
Wedge Bob Hairstyle by thetrollingchaos / Squid / Lycoteuthis (working)

Skyhold outfit replacement by endless-laziness (Idk if it works or not)

On a side note, the list I got these off of had just been updated on the 6th or the 8th of this month, but that doesn't necessarily mean they removed broken mods I guess.

I also have Settrah brows that work fine, and some eyelashes...I can't remember who did them and couldn't track them down, but they are called "Longest Fullest Lashes"
I downloaded the female elf mermaid ballgown and it seems to have merged fine, though I haven't gotten far enough into the game to know if it works.
As far as complexions go...it doesn't seem to matter what ones I download and try to use. Absolutely none of them work. I've even tried ones I didn't actually like just to see if they'd make it in. No luck.

Is there anything else that would be needed? Like screenshots or something?

Edited by RiRiW
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  • 3 weeks later...

The best thing to do is to merge one mod at a time and see if they work in the game. Yes, this is a tedious process, but sometimes necessary to see if there are mod conflicts.

I see you have several hairstyle mods. You may be running into conflicts if one or more of the mods affects the same hairstyle.

The only thing I can't figure out is why they aren't showing in the list pane in the Manager window...

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That's what was confusing me too. An average of six mods will show up in the list pane, but that's it. I also double checked with the mod creators pages to see if they conflicted. Got rid of the ones that might and still no luck. The only mod that seems to work every single time I use it is the Side Braid w/ Bun mod. Everything else is hit and miss. I seem to have good luck with Skaramoosh hair mods...perhaps I should stick to trying those for now and do them one at a time as you suggested. Thank you for replying haha. :)

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