Deleted2746547User Posted July 15, 2011 Author Share Posted July 15, 2011 EARLY EARLY Version: V.01 BlackbriarHELP ALWAYS APPRECIATED Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted2746547User Posted May 21, 2012 Author Share Posted May 21, 2012 If you're around, I could use your help! I picked the mod back up after losing a lot of work on it. I know we had the power/lighting scripts working but for some reason they wont now...and I cant remember what we fixed or changed to make it work last time.... i'm not that good at quests yet (just started modding two months and something ago), so i try to avoid them whereever i can (yet)... hehe... ;-) You already know how to do it, you just don't know you do :) A quest script is just like a persistent object, with its' own built in timer.So in the script above where you said to increase YourTerminalREF.Fuel, that just changes to BaseEnergyQuest.fueland the gamemode block in the quest script will run every 5 secs by default (and easy to change).See! nothing to it :) You don't *need* to define any stages/dialog etc. @namaskar, glad you like it :) If you've not already seen them, check out the default set of containers. They may save you creating your own.They're in the Palette Editor files - using the P.E. makes designing and placement much easier.But yes, if you want to assign some stating defaults, creating your own crates is the way to go :thumbsup:See the container_weights.txt file. That shows the weight to assign to your container base form, for the corresponding category(s).It's a good idea to have a clean save (meaning before you installed your mod), outside of your cell.Each time you want to test it, load the clean save, enter and activate any of the containers.As you do this there'll be a message printed to console summarising the designer defaults - so it's easy to check that it is setup how you think it should be. Anyway, that's the thinking... a lot to do...and 'm no expert at scripting so it will be a long road... but thats the goal. Any and all help/cooperation/suggestions will be appreciated.Apart from the camera part (I wouldn't know where to start that), I think they're all achievable. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted2746547User Posted May 22, 2012 Author Share Posted May 22, 2012 Still having a problem getting these scripts working again. (they were working before I lost some updates to the script_) Can't figure out WHAT I'm missing.... This is the 3 scripts that will run the lights/fuel at the base as part of a quest. for those that are good with coding, I had this system working perfectly BEFORE I lost my main files and had to start back with an earlier version. However, now I can find the error that is keeping the system from working. Perhaps someone can find the error I'm making (or by looking into the esp)... POWER BASE SCRIPT {RAN AS PART OF THE BASE QUEST}---scn BlackbriarPowerBaseQuestScript int Fuel ; This is the total fuel units in stockint FuelRqd ; This is the calculated amount that will be used in a single 5 second period Begin GameModeIf FuelElsereturnEndif set FuelRqd to 0 ;Lghts1 uses 3 unit of Fuel/5secIf BlackbriarLgts1.GetDisabledElseset FuelRqd to FuelRqd + 3Endif ;Lghts2 uses 1 unit of Fuel/5secIf BlackbriarLgts2.GetDisabledElseset FuelRqd to FuelRqd + 1Endif ;Lghts3 uses 2 unit of Fuel/5secIf BlackbriarLgts3.GetDisabledElseset FuelRqd to FuelRqd + 2Endif ;Lghts4 uses 1 unit of Fuel/5secIf BlackbriarLgts4.GetDisabledElseset FuelRqd to FuelRqd + 1Endif ;Lghts5 uses 1 unit of Fuel/5secIf BlackbriarLgts5.GetDisabledElseset FuelRqd to FuelRqd + 1Endif ;Lghts6 uses 1 unit of Fuel/5secIf BlackbriarLgts6.GetDisabledElseset FuelRqd to FuelRqd + 1Endif ;Lghts7 uses 1 unit of Fuel/5secIf BlackbriarLgts7.GetDisabledElseset FuelRqd to FuelRqd + 3Endif ;Lghts8 uses 1 unit of Fuel/5secIf BlackbriarLgts8.GetDisabledElseset FuelRqd to FuelRqd + 1Endif ;Lghts9a uses 1 unit of Fuel/5secIf BlackbriarLgts9a.GetDisabledElseset FuelRqd to FuelRqd + 1Endif ;Lghts10a uses 1 unit of Fuel/5secIf BlackbriarLgts10a.GetDisabledElseset FuelRqd to FuelRqd + 1Endif ;Lghts11 uses 1 unit of Fuel/5secIf BlackbriarLgts11.GetDisabledElseset FuelRqd to FuelRqd + 1Endif ;Lghts12 uses 1 unit of Fuel/5secIf BlackbriarLgts12.GetDisabledElseset FuelRqd to FuelRqd + 1Endif ;Subtract the fuel usedset Fuel to Fuel - FuelRqd ;Turn off all power users when Fuel runs out.If Fuel < 1set Fuel to 0BlackbriarLgts1.DisableBlackbriarLgts2.DisableBlackbriarLgts3.DisableBlackbriarLgts4.DisableBlackbriarLgts5.DisableBlackbriarLgts6.DisableBlackbriarLgts7.DisableBlackbriarLgts8.DisableBlackbriarLgts9a.DisableBlackbriarLgts10a.DisableBlackbriarLgts11.DisableBlackbriarLgts12.Disable Endif End $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ NEXT SCRIPT$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Fuel Tank Script scn BlackbriarFuelTankBegin onActivateIf GetQuestRunning BlackbriarPowerBaseQuestElseStartQuest BlackbriarPowerBaseQuestEndif If player.GetItemCount FissionBatteryplayer.removeItem FissionBattery 1set BlackbriarPowerBaseQuest.Fuel to BlackbriarPowerBaseQuest.Fuel + 1500Else; ShowMessage BlackbriarPowerNoBatteries ; Uncomment when/if you want to display a msg.EndifEnd $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$NEXT SCRIPT$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Power light script ScriptName BlackbriarPowerLightScript ref light Begin OnActivateif BlackbriarPowerBaseQuest.Fuel == 0returnEndifif light == 0set light to GetLinkedRefendif if light.GetDisabledlight.Enableelselight.DisableendifActivateEnd Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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