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How to create a perk that runs a script?


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I'm trying to make a perk called "Pacifist".


"Killing people, creatures, and robots no longer grants experience points, but all other activities grant 5 times the experience points!"


Things I Need To Do:


1: To make this perk activate a script, do I check "Entry Point", then select "Activate" > "Add Activate Choice"?

How do I make this perk run a certain script? Do I type the script's name under the "start script" text box? Or do I write all of the script?


2: How do I write a script that will change the value of a game's setting? For example

scn PacifistModScript

Begin GameMode
set iXPRewardDiscoverMapMarker value to 10000

In this case, I'm trying to write a script that will adjust a game value called iXPRewardDiscoverMapMarker to give you 10000 experience points whenever you discover a new place. Is this the proper syntax? How do I use a script to change the value of a game's setting?

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1. Don't use Entry Point, that is for very specific actions. Look at the perk FerociousLoyalty, the quest FerociousLoyaltyQuest, and the script FerociousLoyaltyScript. That is an example of how you attach a script to a perk.


2. To modify a game setting using a script you will need the Fallout New Vegas Script Extender. Someone else will have to explain how to use it.

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