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MUST KILL:An Objective Break Down on Theological Fanaticism.


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With the release of the Survival update, and the adrenaline perk in specific It got me thinking. Thinking about Khornate Berzerkers and how well it would fit the perk. But how to go about mixing the two? Simple, have the Lone Survivor be the Lone Survivor of more then just Vault 111 and have all the voice lines be Khornate Berzerkers quotes and maybe Daemon Prince quotes. Would also dramatically improve the characters charisma. Could have Noise Marines as the Female counterpart.


But would it be possible to have this happen outside side of conversation (like during combat). Also have the voice change with different levels (Since there are 10 levels, have 1-3 be regular voice, 4-6 be Eliphas the Inheritor [Who's a bit more well put], 7-9 be Berzerker quotes, and Level 10 as Daemon Prince quotes)


I think it could be a fun project for someone who's way more familiar with modding then me and the results could be astounding. I mean just imagine someone yelling these while just buying stuff.




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