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Cyrodiil creatures/items not in Shivering Isles?


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I'm curious... Why don't default/standard creatures from Cyrodiil (ex. rats, crabs, etc) show up in the Shivering Isles? Seems odd that they have all those assets already, yet do not use them in the expansion. The number of creatures in the Isles seems so limited as a result (...and I find myself wandering back to Cyrodiil, just to be back with the rats, crabs, etc...).


Just checking to see if that is in fact the case (and that there isn't something wrong wtih my install), and seeing what other people think about that.


The isles are great, but just seem a bit limited without all that other stuff. Granted, it's supposed to be a different spot, but you'd think there would be at least a bit of overlap (some 'common' creatures between the two realms).


Was it some sort of technical reason?

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The Shivering Isles are the private realm of a Daedric prince. He decides what plants and creatures exist there. There's no overlap because there's normally no way to get from Tamriel to the Isles. Sheogorath opened a portal to try to find a champion, and anyone or anything that passes through the portal find themselves in a sealed room with Haskill. If some random unintelligent creature wandered in, it would probably be killed, either by Sheogorath or even Haskill.

As Sheogorath likes to say, "My realm, MY rules!"

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Yep, that pretty much what I figured... Storywise, it makes sense, I guess. I'm just surprised (from a developer standpoint) that they didn't use any of their existing assets, and have this expansion serve as an addition to what is already there, rather than a replacement (so to speak). At least you can travel back to the orignal realm.



Still, you'd think there would at least be rats in his world.


I just miss fireballing them...

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