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problem with Nifskope/meshes/custom armor

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Hi guys,


Okay here's my problem: I'm working with Nifskope to create custom armor meshes (that is, taking certain pieces from armors and combining them to make my own armor); after I am finished I would rename and replace an existing armor with the mesh I just created. However, when I load up the game, grab the armor from the box (whichever modded armor I replaced) and try to equip it the game CTD. The few times that it doesn't crash immediately my PC would glitch out, with animations not playing properly or walking with a weird pose, which ultimately leads to CTD later.


So my question is this: am I missing a step or just plain doing it wrong?

I used to create my own custom armor for Oblivion the same way (block>copy branch, paste branch. replacing an existing mesh, etc) and it has always worked properly with no issues on Oblivion. Is modding/messing with meshes different for FO3?


I'm not much of a modder, and my skills aren't up to par with a lot of you wonderful modders, but I would like to see my PC with my own armor creations.


Any help/advice/comment would be greatly appreciated :)))))



ps sorry for the crappy explanation I'm not even sure what the exact cause of the issue is

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  • 5 months later...
I have the same problem except my meshes wont show up at all in the geck. :( But to answer ur question, u may be deleting the animations in nifskope (blocks that say "bip0 leg" or "bip 3 clavicle".) To fix it just load a new armor and star over, this time don't delete the lines pointing to body parts. Hope it helped. :)
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