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Mystic Elf Trouble


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Alright, so I have the Mystic Elf Race.. (yaay.) I started the game and hmm.. emporer wouldn't come. So I started the game as an imperial and edited it to mystic elf when I exited the sewers. (several hours elapse) Got to cloud ruler temple with martin and Sonya (xD) and.. after martin's "I have no balls the imps stole them" speech, whenever I talk to him I get the same BS over and over.. "let's not keep the blades waiting" he tells me. Jauffre, the SOB, just sits there with a dumb look on his face saying "we need to get martin to cloud ruler temple!" (when I ask him about the amulet)

I'm assuming this is the same thing as the beginning; a race reading error. Martin and Jauffre are being racist against mystic elves and won't let me continue with the quest. So I downloaded that race fix mod, KH or some such, added that and activated it.. still nothing, jauffre just sits there like he's on skooma while martin plays pocket pool.

I tell ya I wanna slap someone.

any information at all on salvaging about 5 hours of my life would be divine.

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Nevermind.. I had fast-traveled before so I just fast traveled back talked to the stable hand and sonya and I jacked a couple horses and rode them back to the temple. Martin must have finished filling his pocket cause he stopped his whining about the blades.

anyway thats what I did if anyone has the same issue there ya go.

oh and I forgot to mention I slapped jauffre too.

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