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Destroying a Static with Melee via Script


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I'm just gonna go out for some dinner now, so I'll try it out when I get back and give you the results :)


If you want to make that cactus/lava thing be my guest :)

I still need to make a cactus block which will be easy enough to make.

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In order to finish the cactus. I have to edit it's mesh first. So whenever your ready, could you send it to me? Also, how are the lava made? Is it meshes you can walk through? Edited by Alexx378
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Ah I'll get it thrown together now then.

I may add spikes to it later on.


And for the moment the lava is in a solid form so we can't walk through it just yet.

Not sure what type of collision I could use with it, not that I can make collision or models anyway. I'm just the texture guy :D

Perhaps water collision maybe? That's the only thing I can think of that lets people walk through it and have it's own collision for objects.

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Yeah, as Alex states the button numbers start at 0.

In 0MCSCraftingBenchScript, it looked like you had the topmost button act as a 'Cancel' button.



       set Button to GetButtonPressed

       if ( Button <0 )
               ; no button pressed yet.
       elseif Button ; A button with a positive number
               ; Check buttons 1 to 9
;       else
;               ;User pressed top button 0, do nothing.



If you are using the topmost button in FCInventoryCraftingAreaScript, then you'll need a slightly different logic



       set Button to GetButtonPressed

       if ( Button < 0 )
               ; no button pressed yet.
       else ; User pressed button 0 - 9
               ; Check buttons 0 to 9


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