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How to make youre own gun sounds?


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Ok so basically i was using the G.E.C.K and i was making my own little customized gun and i wanted to change the sound of the weapon and i did not happen to like any of the ones on the list..so how can i make my own unique sound file so i can use on the game? :D
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Never done anything like this myself before but maybe this page will hold you over till someone smart stops by.



snipped from link

Art and Sound Tab


Inventory Image: The image the weapon is identified with in the inventory screen.

Message Icon: The icon that appears on acquiring the weapon.

Projectile: The projectile used by the weapon, found under Special Effects -> Projectile in the Object Window.

Impact Data Set: Determines how the weapon affects different material types on impact.

Reload Anim: The reload animation used for the weapon.

Hand Grip: Determines how the weapon is gripped.

Attack Anim: The firing animation used for the weapon.

Shell Casing: The file containing the 3D model of the weapon's shell casings.

Animation Type: Determines which animations the weapon can use. For more details on how this value can be used in scripts, see GetWeaponAnimType.

Attack Sound: The sound form played when an NPC fires the weapon.

Attack Sound (2D): The sound form played when the player fires the weapon.

Attack Loop: The sound loop used when the weapon is fired. For instance, the Flamer and the Minigun use this instead of "Attack Sound."

Attack Fail (No Ammo/Melee Miss): The sound form used by the weapon when it runs out of ammunition or, in the case of melee weapons, when it misses.

Melee Block: The sound form played whenever the weapon is hit while blocking.

Detection Sound Level: Volume of the weapon as it is fired.

Add Destruction Data: Used to define what the weapon will look like when it's damaged.

Idle Sound: The sound form played whenever the weapon is held. For example, the Flamer makes a hissing noise when idle.

Equip Sound: The sound form played when the weapon is drawn.

Unequip Sound: The sound form played when the weapon is holstered.

Pickup Sound: The sound form played when the weapon is added to the player's inventory, or when it's equipped.

Putdown Sound: The sound played when the weapon is removed from the player's inventory, or when it's unequipped.



Now I direct you towards Skree000's explanation on adding a new form to link your new sound effect. hope this helps

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