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Race Balancing Project


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I decided to install this mod, because it looked really interesting. However, I'd like to play my old character ( I've played it for over 20h). Unfortunately, there are three very serious bugs:

1.I've got too less magicka. My Intelligence is 100, and level 23, so I should have full bonuses (300 as High Elf and 200 for Mage birthsign). I don't know why game doesn't see my attributes, and the bonuses are only 30 and 20 (like for level 1).EDIT: Forget it. I just needed to raise my level in order to receive bonuses.

2. Even more strange and upsetting. My major skills have been replaced! That means (I play as a pure mage) Alchemy switched with Block. This is very annoying and makes me can't play. EDIT: Oh, How silly I am... Since I have pre made class, I shouldn't use Optional Classes. :biggrin:

3.When I start new character (Daedra Seducer, at least) and try to jump, I start to get infinity of messages for a Vampire ( You dream of someone sleeping peacefully... etc.).

It seems, that Topic's description completely doesn't fit. :wink: Still, third problem is really annoying, because I really like Daedra Seducer race. Can this be caused by its wings? EDIT: This bug solved as well. It's enough to enter in console set PCVampire to 0, and everything's OK.

Edited by konrad1703
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