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Doing a pre-production of a RPG I'm making.


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This isn't anything sufnificant, but it gives you an idea of how unlimited you are with skills, etc. This has two classes that define an object (you) below. Just for the record, there will be no child prostitution. However, you can attempt on killing them, but watch out for the parents running towards you with an axe!



#include <iostream>


class skills


typedef unsigned short int USI;


USI longBow;

USI shortBow;

USI longSword;

USI shortBlade;





USI speechCraft;

USI mathSkill;

USI creativity;

USI pickingUpChicks;



class attributes


USI strength;

USI agility;





int main()


using namespace std;


typedef unsigned short int USI;


// Your character's object:


YourName.strength = 15;

YourName.agility = 14;

YourName.longSword = 23;

YourName.pickingUpChicks = -32;


return 0;


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This is verging on the realms of insanity/stupidity/revulsion. I hate to burst your bubble on this one, but stuff like this WILL NOT SELL. Games that were controversial had to be extra-special when it comes down to gameplay, which is why Carmaggeddon(sp) was so successful. When you base the gameplay around the controversy, then it just bites.


I can understand the comment about the fighting gameplay in Morrowind (that was its one small failing point on release, which they've now fixed) but you sound like you're making a game for dodgy old men. I'm sorry for sounding so appalled by these ideas that you are coming out with, but i am. I find what you are suggesting abhorent and vile. I really hope this is some immature prank put on these forums to get attention for your behaviour.

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Obviously, yoyu are looking at the GTA franchise to fuel your belief that controversy works. You aslo have to look at a few things GTA doesn't have, and what you are proposing.


Nudity. The GTA games have no nudity.


Children. The GTA games have no kids walking around.


Even with one of the things mentioned above, your game will be slapped with an AO rating. Remember- no video game company has EVER picked up a game rated AO.

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.....that coding is not very impressive. I think i was up to par when i was 14 ( 7 years ago) messing with code warrior (c++). Maybe if you showed some code concerning the graphics engine (ex, making use of the DX API) or even an algorithm for a freakin finite state machine, it would be more impressive than that :P. If you wanna make a game you have years of learning ahead of ya. Just the way it is.
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