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You're SPECIAL as a 1-use Perk Reset item


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The idea is simple; Rather than adding +1 to any SPECIAL, make it so that You're SPECIAL resets all SPECIAL and all perks. The item would need to function by first forcing the player to choose new starting SPECIAL stats. Once this has been done, the player would then be able to spend all of their perk points normally, but all at once.


Additionally, since the You're SPECIAL book originally allowed the player to gain +1 SPECIAL point at the very beginning of the game, the player could simply be given an additional SPECIAL point at the beginning of the game.


If a player wanted to be able to use the effect more than once, the item could be added via console command. Otherwise, I think it would not be unreasonable to lock an additional You're SPECIAL book behind a late game quest or in a high level area.


What do you think? I think this might be possible without the Creation Kit, but I am not sure how to script, so I cannot say.

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