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Hot Files on the TESNexus..


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Something like a hot files box that gives recommendations based off your download history? Download lots of skimpy outfits and that's what it'll recommend. If you're into quests or real estate, it'll show more of that. Might be nice, even though you can probably do the same for yourself with a little search. Anyway, whatever your request or suggestion is, staying polite about it is usually the more effective approach.
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@Spartan184: What criteria do you suggest for your 'Not hot' files? Maybe the least downloaded? Or least endorsed? Or how about we remove the top 10 or top 20 most downloaded and start the 'Not Hot' list with number 11 or number 21 on the most downloaded files, :psyduck: Our sitebot is not yet sentient enough (getting close though) to read your mind. Maybe Dark0ne can fit your request into Nexus v3.0 :thumbsup:


@evenstargw, that's what the tag search is intended for. The hot files is a generic thing, more for those who don't know what they want, but want to know what others consider 'hot'. It's not a 'this is what you should be using', just a what others are downloading ( We really don't know if they actually use them or just download them because that's what everyone else seems to be doing) I have never figured out that 'what others are doing' part of the social sites myself. I really don't care what someone else does as long as they don't interfere with what I do. :tongue:

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Let's not make it too complicated... Just have new files this week that are hot, so every new mod can have a chance and won't stay in the spot for weeks. Kinda like Files of the Month, once a mod has been in the limelight it'll make way for others next month.
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I find this topic, and most of the posters, very funny and immature/pathetic.

You could very well FILTER search results, and find whatever it is you're looking for. Why does it bother you what's on the frontpage? It's not like the TESNEXUS frontpage is filled with images of half-naked anime girls, it's perfect with so many search options. Is there any point to bashing people who love skimpy outfits here? Make you feel really cool by saying "anime s***"? Unfortunately lots and lots of people won't be happy if top 100 list suddenly became filled with half naked musclemachos eh?

It's hot because lots of people download it and it got high ratings, or any other dictionary.com result for what "hot" means, FFS.


Immature and Pathetic? What a great way of greeting someone new on the forums. Sure makes us all feel welcome. :rolleyes:


Anyways I could care less whats on the frontpage really just as long as it's updated more often. I do realize that most of the top mods are the half naked bikini armours, and that many people use them. I just want to see it updated more often and see some different mods showcased up there.


I didn't realize people had to be so negative about this.... :confused:

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My concern with the hot files is not with the genre of files they showcase, but that the system seems really slow and laggy and unresponsive. It seems like the same files get stuck there and never change. Day after day you go on to TES Nexus and the same files are still up there as the hot files. I have found myself doubting that that those particular files are actually the ones with the greatest download count on the day I sign on to TES Nexus.


I think I would enjoy the system more if they doubled the number of hot files so that it took twice as long to cycle through the same old pictures you have seen over and over, and so twice as many files would be exposed and promoted to the public.

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There already is a filter like that.

I meant on the front page "hot files" section. Like there could be an option in the profile settings to customize what kind of mod user you are. like:


I enjoy visual and aesthetic improvements= you see clothing, armor, textures, environment, meshes type stuff on the "hot files" area, and maybe a slight visual veer in other parts of the site too. (like maybe when you go to a files page it automatically opens up on the screen shots tab.)


I enjoy mechanic changes, and new gameplay elements= overhauls,combat, stealth, general gameplay mods.


I enjoy having more to do, and new content to explore= quests, new lands,dungeons, villages, houses, castles, etc.


I just want a clean, annoyance and bug free experience= bug fixes, and tweaks.


Maybe some options, like a "I just wanna screw around= cheat" option or probably best to just limit it so it's not a overload of work.



As I stated earlier the problem isn't the content, it's the redundancy of it. For people who don't care about graphics, clothes, re-textures, environmental stuff seeing only that stuff on the front of the page all the time is just going to turn them off.

Edited by JCP768
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Actually, no, I don't care for a filter. It's what the majority of people are saying, switch up the hot files every few weeks. The visual system is laggy, and shows a lot of the same things for weeks on end.


Wasn't trying t o start a a crazy debate or anything, really. I mean, granted I was annoyed when I wrote the original post. Like a lot of people said, I just want the hotfile thing to change up more often.

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