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a D&D spell


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i've seen mods that add very similar to D&D spells. i've seen a magic missile spell, open lock spells etc. one thing i haven't seen and would like to is a detect trap spell. it would make all manner of traps in the surrounding area glow so that the character is made aware of them and can avoid them. for those that are truly roleplaying a character type that wouldn't know how to disarm a trap, being able to spot and avoid them would come in most handy.

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  • 5 years later...

Can anyone share a detect trap spell? There are eight classic schools of magic in Dungeons & Dragons, as originally named in Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: abjuration, alteration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, illusion, invocation, and necromancy. Each spell belongs to one of eight schools of magic. Every class uses spell slots to cast their spells. A spell must be cast in a spell slot that is equal to the spell's level or higher. I use dndguide.net because they have a lot of informations about different types of spells.

Edited by JaciDivs
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