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Open Multiple Doors Via Terminal?


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Door Question: S


I've set up a terminal, gave it unique id. set up 4 doors, all persistent/unique id/locked.


In the terminal I have a menu that leads to a prison cell/door sub menu allowing you to open (then automatically re-lock after you close the door again) the cell doors, 1,2,3,4 ..


So I have the menu show up in terminal, and that leads me to the submenu with doors 1, 2, 3, 4 as items listed. But when (ingame) i press each item... nothing happens..


i've tried following the instructions from various sources... but no script I write seems to get ACTIVATED by me selecting the item in game. any ideas?


As a secondary problem, once I use the terminal and try to use it again, it wont let me access/select it.




anyway, apologies about the newbie questions... thanks again...

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