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Help With Deadly Reflexes 6


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Well, I decided to finally try it.. and i really didnt like it :\ the camera of first person was positioned around 2-3 feet OVER my characters head and i felt too tall, like, everyone looked up at me , i was basically not at the eye level of my original character.. So i deleted the mod.. well.. :| when i ran oblivion again and loaded the game... The camera AND the attacks were still there, ive done everything i can and the first person view camera is around 3 feet above the characters head still.. and the power attacks (like a forward power attack with a dagger still does a stab attack from deadly reflexes) and i just want it back to normal and i lost my oblivion disks so im not going to re-install.. is there anything i can do ..? I even tried fixing the Neardistance thing or w/e in the Oblivion.ini.. I would just like someone to help me get the first person camera view back to normal.. x-x even if the power attacks cant be fixed..
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Install your mods through OBMM. Yeah, its that easy ;D

DR replaces some meshes, that are not removed when just removing the .esp.

Most mods have uninstall instructions for manual installs on their file page, go check DR's one out.

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Well x-x mine was manual and it rly didnt help... I deleted everything that was labeled Deadly Reflex or had that in its name in my data folder and it still has the attack moves (i dont exactly mind that as much) and the "3 feet over my head" 1st person view.. It's getting rly irritating x-x idk which file it even overwrote to make my 1st person view different..
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