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fallout 3 and new vegas traps and randomws add on please?


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fallout 3 had some cool traps in them I find fo4 lacking. example the baby carriage proximity mine. the random manhole cover locations with people who tried hiding underground. yea we get that one bunker that appears randomly but that's it I liked exploring those caves and manholes finding that body near a couple of stock pile items in that random sometimes safe place to wait out a rad storm heal rest etc. so my request is to bring these back to fo4. so once again we can be exploring and hear a baby cry out of the blue only to get blown up when our baby hunting brain tries to see if its our baby. or find that manhole cover we can enter and explore a sewer or 2 or more. after exploring I think I can count the sewer system in this game on one hand that's sad that dc has more of a complex sewer system in it than Boston does. hell even Vegas had some random man holes to hide in and there In the desert.

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