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Assign containers to settlers for gear...


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Settlers will arm and equip themselves from containers, but it's random as to which container. (Here's the testing I did - http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3854980-npc-limited-ammo/page-6&do=findComment&comment=36439695).


Since it's possible to assign settlers to beds, power armor (via a mod), etc., I'm hoping this is also possible.


The purpose is to ease equipment management for the settlers. It's quite a pain to go through all of them and change out their equipment, and the fact is they can change it out for themselves the minute a fight breaks out.


So it would be way easier if you could just put a footlocker down for each, assign them to it and add new gear as you get it for them. (It would be totally sweet if they put their old gear in when they change, but I'm not sure if that's possible.) They would then run for the container when an alert breaks out and gear up before heading for the fight, guaranteeing they have the best equipment.


Thanks for reading!

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